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If renewing by CM points, the recertification fee of $165 is due at the end of the 3-year certification cycle when a CLSO or CMLSO has been approved for renewal. Failure to submit the renewal form, supporting documentation, and recertification fee by the December 31st deadline will result in Inactive Status.
Beginning January 1, 2024, the 'Extension Year' option will be retired, however a 'grace period' will be reintroduced to assist CLSOs and CMLSOs with maintaining their certification moving forward. It is the responsibility of the CLSO to submit CM forms[1] and recertification fees on time. Email notices will be sent out only as a courtesy reminder to recertify. All CM forms must be postmarked by January 31st after the 3rd year. Failure to recertify by January 31st will result in “Inactive Status.” To restore status, CM forms accompanied with the recertification fee and a late fee of $55.00 will be accepted up to and including May 31st. After that time, it will be necessary to retake the exam to become active again, which includes reapplying, resubmission of reference letters, and payment of the $55.00 application fee, in addition to payment of the exam fee.
[1] “Forms” in this context refers to CM worksheet, Conference Verification Form, Journal Article Verification Worksheet and CM Point Request Form, as applicable.
If renewing by exam, the recertification fee of $165 is due before the exam is taken and replaces the exam fee. The retake policy does not apply to taking the exam-in-lieu-of-points. The $55 application fee is waived.
Important Deadlines
December 31st of the 3rd year of certification cycle:
Deadline to earn CM points toward renewal, take exam to renew, or apply for an extension year. Deadline to submit renewal paperwork with $165 fee and $55 late renewal fee (if applicable).
January 31st of the 4th year of certification cycle:
Deadline to submit paperwork and payments and remain in good standing. Failure to renew by this deadline will result in 'Inactive' status.
May 31st of the 4th year of certification cycle:
Deadline to submit paperwork and payments with late renewal fee.
After the May 31st deadline, applications for renewal will no longer be accepted. Candidates who wish to become certified again must apply to sit for the exam with application, application fee, references, and full exam fees, and must pass the exam.